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发布时间: 2024-05-16 11:59:43北京青年报社官方账号

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"Considering the unique circumstance of this matter, however, I determined that a Special Counsel is necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome," said US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in a statement.

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"China's medical policies concerning online pharmaceutical stores are being relaxed step by step," said Fu Guang, president of Baheal Pharmaceutical Group, which focuses on healthcare investment.

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"China's industrial product market is huge and is in urgent need of integration. An industrial product platform with efficient supply chain management and service capabilities can transform the industry and lift overall circulation efficiency," said Xiong.


"Creative products of museums have largely been a foreign concept and do not have a long history in China. Though many museums and galleries have been selling and developing products, they were more like souvenirs and not real cultural products," said Gao Yang, head of the art innovation center of the National Art Museum of China.


"Companies have no choice but to scale down businesses and hold back certain expansion plans to survive," Cao said.


