

发布时间: 2024-05-17 06:16:47北京青年报社官方账号

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As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, UBTech's robots are finding wider applications, functioning even as assistants with some modifications as they are free from infection risks. The robots can screen temperatures of up to 150 people a minute; so, they are being deployed in places like hospitals, shopping malls, airports, and schools in South Korea, Japan, Belgium, Nigeria and other countries. Local people are able to resume work while ensuring health amid the outbreak, thanks to UBTech's robots.


As planned, the height of the new building will be up to 700 meters. The tallest building in China now is the 632-meter-high Shanghai Tower and the second is the Pingan International Financial Center in Shenzhen. The world record is held by Dubai's 828-meter-tall BurjKhalifa.


As the pandemic so far is far worse than most people contemplated, "it means that many of the developing countries and emerging markets will be unable to pay what is owed. The initial response of the G20 was a stay, but the stay is not enough," said Joseph Stiglitz, a professor with Columbia University and a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics.


As usual, there will be some big-name speakers. Ivanka Trump headlines one of the featured keynotes, “The Path to the Future of Work,” sharing her vision for “technology’s role in creating and enabling the workforce of the future.” Her appearance is already drawing criticism.


As the economy growth and structure transformation continues in the Greater Bay Area, demand for office buildings will surge, Li said.


